, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

*** If You Speak, Read and Write Chinese... ***
... and are interested in Internet Marketing in China -
The Biggest Market in the world of our time....
Visit my Brand New WeiBo here today -

>>>>>>>> Energy, Vitality & Longevity <<<<<<<<

Hi ,

How often have you felt too tired to cope with life? Do
you have too little energy to cope with what you are doing?
If you truly want to enjoy the wealth and money you have
made, you really owe it to yourself to be healthy by
feeding yourself right.

Irene Lok, a qualified Naturopath, Medical Herbalist
and Chartered Natural Medicine Practitioner. She lost her
father to cancer within 20 days of diagnosis in 2003.
It was the prime time of his life. Her father had worked
hard all his life, brought Irene and her siblings us and
just as he was enjoying his time being a grandfather and
could relax a little with less financial burden as his
children had started working, he was diagnosed with cancer.
It was a shock to her family, even a bigger shock when he
died in 20 days. Irene knew she had a mission. She had to
find out why. She was a Chartered Accountant then. She was
adamant she wanted to search for an answer to premature

She returned to university and retrained as a naturopath
and medical herbalist. She started a retail health store
in 2005 and now run a naturopathic clinic in Auckland,
New Zealand. She continue to search for the longevity
secret and why people die prematurely. The evidence she
found on the benefits of resveratrol on the SIRT1 gene and
telomere lengthening was very impressive. In the retail and
clinical setting, she has been using resveratrol, acai,
tumeric, grapeseed and pine bark antioxidant products on her
clients and have seen fantastic health results. This has
led to her special formulation of ResAcai which is designed
to provide you with powerful antioxidants for your body.
With a well-researched natural longevity product resveratrol
and other natural potent antioxidants like the popular acai
berry, tumeric, pinebark and grapeseed, ResAcai is a totally
vegetarian formulation.

Our modern lifestyle with high consumption of processed and
nutrient deficient food, stressful environment and constant
exposure to high levels of pollution and pesticides including
smoking can easily cause oxidative stress on our cells.
Cellular damage hastens the ageing process and can cause
chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

How can you delay the ageing process? How can the French
have a low incidence of heart disease despite their high fat
diet? Click here to find out more:

Health is ultimately the most important aspect of your life.
A sick person only has one wish while a well person can have
many. Imagine being sick, tired and constantly needing medical
attention, what’s the point of making money if you can’t enjoy
your wealth? Without a healthy body, you will not be able to
do the things you love to do and enjoy life. You owe it to
yourself to be healthy. So, take action today to be healthy.
Get more information and order ResAcai here:

Made in clean, green New Zealand, this product will be shipped
free anywhere in the world through economy airmail:

To YOUR Success and Health!

Tom Hua


Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume XII - Issue 2012-02-28)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
Learn More About The Importance Of Link Building In Search
Engine Optimization - by Paul Malcolm
Many people now regardless of age, are spending a lot of
time on the internet. They are doing this through chats
and various social media platforms and looking for all types
of information. Social media has become a very important
source of personal information that people use in making
their decisions on a daily basis. Consumers exchange
information regarding various brands through the internet,
offering their own personal feedback and first hand
experiences with various products and services.

As such, the internet has become a very important tool for
many businesses. Many are utilizing the web to market their
products and services and promote the popularity of their
given entity. However, search engines can only display sites
after internet users do their searching with the assistance
of various search engines. As such, SEO services become very
important. SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization,
involves proper use of words and phrases to get better
ranking in these search engines. This requires professionals
who know how to select the right keywords and phrases and
the tactics used to promote their popularity. Generally, SEO
is all about increasing the visibility and ranking of a
website after specific search queries. Web pages can also
be optimized resulting in increased discoverability.

To increase visibility or popularity of websites, businesses
have started using link building techniques. This is part of
the overall services offered by SEO companies. Link building
entails getting other websites link visitors to visit your
website. As such, people who search the internet and land on
a particular website, can are directed to your website. This
is possible if the content they were looking for is related
to the content found on your website. The person searching
the internet will see a link on the content they are reading
on another website. When they click on this link, it will
direct them on your website. Such websites have information
on products and services you are offering in your business.

As such, link building services have become very popular.
Many businesses are looking for quality link building services
that will help them maximize their visibility through the
internet. It is apparent that the internet is one of the
leading media sources through which people are getting
important information that they use in making their buying
decision. Ensuring that your business gets the most exposure
possible through the internet is the most important thing
for any business in our current digital world. This makes
quality and reliable SEO services very important.

In general, link building increases the overall ranking of
a website on the internet. This is because the links create
more visibility on the search engines, as pathways are carved
and reinforced. As such, a business that has created more
links on various websites is bound to have more visibility
than another one which does not have a similar number of
links. As a result, businesses are using link building
services on social media platforms to gain the desired
popularity required. It is apparent that any business that
wants to gain a competitive hand over their competitors in
the market must use quality link building services, as there
are many providers of link building services today. A service
provider with professional training and experience is the
best person to contact for quality services that can take
your website to new and exciting levels.
Looking for a real SEO Toronto and link building expert to
deliver you great results for your website? Then make sure
you do your due diligence and visit Paul Teitelman, and only
trust someone who has provided years of quality of SEO
services and local SEO services. http://www.paulteitelman.com/

>>>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
Get this guide to help you and your partner
navigate your marriage through the stresses
and shocks which the economy throws at us!

*** If You Speak, Read and Write Chinese... ***
... and are interested in Internet Marketing in China -
The Biggest Market in the world of our time....
Visit my Brand New WeiBo here today -

The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2012, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/