, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

>>> >>> Why Is Armand Morin Interviewing Me? <<< <<<

Hi ,

Consider this for a moment...

Every year something "Big" happens in the
marketing industry.

It's not a product launch.

It's not some "Google Slap".

And it's definitely not some whiz bang
technique or strategy.

However, hundreds of the world's top marketers
stop what they are doing in order to participate.

What is it?


Here's the inside scoop...

In November, I'm playing an even "Bigger" role in this
extravagenza and on August 18th, I'm going to share
exactly what I'll be doing.

Join me and you'll find out all the details:


To YOUR success

Tom Hua

P.S If you'd like to be one of the lucky few
who attend this event I would click the link
below. It's happening November 6-8 in Las

Vegas, Nevada and I’d love to meet you there!


Anyone wishes to learn How to Speak Chinese Fast?
Here is a brand new website where you can learn
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Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume IX - Issue 2009-8-11)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>> >>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
A Membership Site with Soul - by Kathy Dobson
Sounds like a title that should be in the 'self help' section
doesn't it? But, creating soul in your membership site may be
the most important element to your success online.

To understand how to accomplish this we must first understand
one very basic principle in life...that principle is balance.
Everything in life seeks balance. The old adage "you can't
have one without the other" sums it up quite well. You can't
have black without white, up without down and in without
out...one simply does not exist without the other. They are
the two opposing forces that create life. Without cold, hot
simply has no meaning...nothing to gauge it against.

We as human beings are three-fold. Our soul is a combination
of two things. The soul is simply the totality of all that
you are...your mind and your heart. Remember you can't have
one without the other. You are both the yin and the yang.

You yourself are a being of balance. Even your brain has
two physical sides to it. One for the intellect and one
for the creative/emotional brain side. Intellect without
emotion is simply flat...flat words, flat pictures etc...
no depth. Emotions without intellect is equally as dangerous
as emotions can steal away our peace if we don't have
intellect to balance it off.

You should apply this principle of balance in all your
endeavors...including your membership site.

By creating great, unique, appealing content within your
site, you address the mind of your subscriber...you address
their intellect...which is a must if you want to retain your
members. Successful membership sites require not only great
content (what initially drew them in) but there is another
element that is equally important. That element is heart.
Without this element, your site will soon become 'cold' to
your members and they will leave.

Capture their heart by allowing your passion to show
through and educate their minds with your unique content.

These two elements have created balance within your
site...the only path to success.

You must approach your membership site in the best way
possible. Why? Because you are dealing with human nature,
not robots. Balance is something we as humans are always
looking for...a robot only requires the intellectual side,
not the emotional side. You must tap into their minds
and their hearts.

Giving your membership site 'soul' is simple, we must
copy the success of nature...give them what they are
seeking...consciously or subconsciously, give them balance.

Create the membership 'soul' that your subscribers are
seeking. Give them your mind and your heart.
I come from a strong family of writers and enjoy
sharing knowledge about my own passions, Metaphysics
and Internet marketing. My goal is to help others
achieve the kind of success and freedom that only
Internet marketing can offer. Dedicated to Freedom

>>> >>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
The simple guide to making your website
an order magnet. Easily add XML site maps
and other features easily. Only $17

Anyone wishes to learn How to Speak Chinese Fast?
Here is a brand new website where you can learn
How To Speak Chinese Fast with Video Lessons...
==> http://ispeakchinese.net/

The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/