, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

>>> >>> Can Armand do it? <<< <<<

Hi ,

Can Armand Morin really pull off the famous
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Only the people in the audience, here in Dallas,
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there to see how it's done.


To YOUR Success,

Tom Hua


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Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume VIII - Issue 2008-05-20)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>> >>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
9 Characteristics of a "Sticky" Web Site That Keeps
Your Visitors Coming Back For More - by Dean Mercado
It's one thing to drive traffic to your web site once, it's
quite another to get those visitors to come back . . . let
alone come back often.

Think about it, you get invited to a friend's house for a
little get together. How would you feel if all they did was
talk about themselves all night? Probably pretty bored and
maybe even a tad bit annoyed . . . right? Let alone be
motivated enough to attend their next gathering. So why is
it then that so many web sites out there do precisely that?
They focus on me, me, me and not enough on the people who
really matter . . . their target market.

And here's a little secret for you. Your target market
doesn't care that much about you to sit their and listen
to you go on and on about yourself. Their main concern is
themselves and what you can do for them.

So let me ask you, is your web site all about you or is it
all about adding value to your target market? Does your web
site pass the "stickiness" test? In other words, do your
visitors keep coming back? If so why? These are all serious
questions that any small business with a web site needs to

In order to answer questions like these, it's important for
us to discover what exactly makes a web site sticky in the
first place. Well a great way to explore this concept is with
an ad-hoc case study. So for me, I sat down with a pen and
paper and just brainstormed a few different web sites that
I frequented often. Who were they? And why did I keep going
back? Let's take a look at one of those web sites, Amazon.com.
First off, I realized that I visit that site quite often,
usually several times a week. Now the big question was why.
So here's what I came up with . . . 9 characteristics that
made their web site sticky for me and kept me, the visitor,
coming back for more:

1. They feed my insatiable appetite for what they offer . . .
books . . . and they've got a phenomenal selection 2. They fuel
my desire to consume more books by emailing me occasionally
new recommendations based on my purchasing history 3. They
make it easy for me to find out what's new in the subjects
as well as authors I'm interested in 4. I can express my
opinions by both rating and reviewing books on their web site
5. They peak my curiosity by making me wonder what books
they're going to recommend for me each time I visit their
web site 6. They personalize my experience by using my name
on their web site and customizing the home page I see based
on my preferences 7. They create a sense of community by
allowing me to connect with other like-minded people as
"friends" 8. They feed my ego by allowing me to position
myself as an expert in any subject matter I choose by creating
"Listmania!" lists and "So you'd like to . . . " guides
9. And lastly, they allow me to help others make great
decisions by rating and reviewing books, creating "Listmania!"
lists and writing those "So you'd like to . . . " guides

Now just to place some perspective on this exercise, I do
understand that Amazon.com has a bit more money to spend on
their web site than your typical small business; however there
is still a lot we can learn from great web sites such as theirs.
And not all of the greatness that their web site brings to the
table cost big bucks. So take a closer look and see if there
are any concepts you can learn from and model on your web site.

Also it's important to consider what your target market would
want from your web site. Maybe it's all 9 of the characteristics
I've shared . . . maybe it's additional characteristics that
didn't show up in my ad-hoc Amazon.com case study. The best
way to find out is to just ask your target market. Additionally,
find out what web sites they frequent and why. You may be
surprised at what you find out.

So in closing, I sincerely believe you will find that the more
you continually look for ways to make your visitor's experience
a dynamic one, the more likely they will come back . . . over
and over again. And the more they come back, the more likely
they are to buy.

© 2007 Online Marketing Muscle -- All Rights Reserved.

Dean Mercado may be contacted at
Liked this article? -- Then you won’t want to miss Long
Island-based marketing consultant, coach, and entrepreneur
Dean Mercado’s highly acclaimed marketing blog
'The Motivational Marketer’s Journal'. Additionally,
for even more small business marketing and success tips,
sample the latest edition of his FREE marketing tips
newsletter the 'Marketing Minute', -- a weekly multimedia
e-zine designed to give you a jolt of marketing wisdom in
less than 5 minutes.

>>> >>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
Get the facts about Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The stealthy, crippling disease. Protect
and help yourself and your family. $17!

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Here is a brand new website where you can learn
How To Speak Chinese with video...
Try it now. It is f.ree and it is Fun!
==> http://ispeakchinese.net/

The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/