, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

>> >>> F.ree Seminar From Tom Hua & Brett McFall <<< <<
Brett and I are offering you f.ree access to our 2 day
seminar with a unique concept. Have you seen it yet?
==> http://www.worldinternetsummit.com/dream.html

>> >>> This sounds like a Scam... BUT! <<< <<

Hi ,

I had a customer of mine sent me this message below.

*** ***
Want To Create Your Own Automated Internet Cash-pot?

“Who Else Wants To Own This Amazing System For An
Automated $60,000 per Month In.come On The Internet
That Can Be Implemented Effortlessly Within a Matter
of Days!”

Discover The Simple Secret I used To Go From 1,000
a w.eek To As High As 2,196 PER DAY!

“This is not like anything else you’ve ever heard of
or seen. No one else knows how to hold your hands with
an automated tool That would see you implement online
set-up process, The Kind That Can Leave You With A
Massive Pile of C.ash O.ne W.eek After You’ve Completed
The Setting Up.”
*** ***

I thought this has to be another Scam. So I told him!

Guess what? After he insisted me to take a good look at
what he has to offer… this turns out that it is one of
the most amazing systems that I haven’t seen for a long
time online.

Check this out yourself, you will know what I mean.



Tom Hua


Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume VI - Issue 2006-07-25
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>> >>> F.ree Seminar From Tom Hua & Brett McFall <<< <<
Brett and I are offering you f.ree access to our 2 day
seminar with a unique concept. Have you seen it yet?
==> http://www.worldinternetsummit.com/dream.html

>>> >>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
Get Higher MSN Positioning with Contextual Links in Articles
– By Marnie Pehrson
Recently, I began an in-depth study of search engine
placement for articles that writers have prominently
promoted on www.IdeaMarketers.com. In the process, I've
gained some valuable insights on what works. MSN, in
particular, seems to love IdeaMarketers articles. Titles
promoted on the IdeaMarketers home page swiftly show up on
the search engine. While titles are important, MSN also
seems to pay attention to linked keyword phrases within

I'll use one of our consistent contributors as an example.
Julie Coulter Bellon, a romantic suspense novelist, has
been posting excerpts of her books as well as book reviews
for about six months now. She has consistently bid high
enough to keep at least one of her articles on the
IdeaMarketers home page at any given time. I'm also
choosing Julie as the example because I do all her
marketing and site maintenance and know that she hasn't
submited articles to any other article directory besides
IdeaMarketers. So this is a controlled example.

Two of her book excerpts, Time Will Tell and On the Edge,
used the primary keyword phrase "romantic suspense novel"
which was then linked straight over to her website –
www.JulieBellon.com. The way IdeaMarketers works is the
primary keyword phrase that you enter with an article
automatically links to the URL you enter with the article.
If you don't enter a URL with the article itself, it will
link to the URL on your writer profile. In Julie's case,
she had both these articles set so that her primary keyword
phrase "romantic suspense novels" linked to her website's
home page.

Today when I went to MSN and searched for "romantic suspense
novel" on MSN, the number one natural listing was
www.JulieBellon.com! That's quite impressive for such
a highly sought after keyword phrase!

After looking at trends with MSN and keyword phrases, I'm
convinced that if Julie had used the phrase on only one
of her articles, she probably wouldn't have come up as
high. But with two of her popular articles (both of which
she'd placed on our home page for several weeks) using
the same keyword phrase, MSN stood up and took notice.

What can you learn from this? Select a primary keyword
phrase that is most likely to describe your site and to
be entered by search engine surfers. Then use that primary
keyword phrase consistently on articles that you submit to
IdeaMarketers. Make sure you've entered your URL correctly
and test it to make sure it works! Then place a bid for
promotion on IdeaMarketers that consistently keeps your
article somewhere on the home page of the site.

You can switch out the articles you promote, but use the
keyword phrase consistently on at least two or more articles
to build link popularity on the phrase.

Don't forget to also add the keyword phrase to your home
page text and meta tags. While I've seen MSN listings occur
simply from primary keyword phrases on articles at
IdeaMarketers (with no mention of the phrase on the target
site), I'd suggested maximizing your chances by including
the phrase on your web site as well.
Marnie Pehrson is an author, creator of IdeaMarketers.com,
LocateACoach.com, SheLovesGod.com, BelieversAtWork.com
and more. She is the author of inspirational books like
Lord, Are You Sure? and historical fiction such as The
Patriot Wore Petticoats. She also helps people earn
money from home. For more information on her projects,
visit http://www.pwgroup.com.

>>> >>> World Internet Summit 2006 USA <<< <<<
After our recent record breaking event in London,
World Internet Summit is coming to Las Vegas, USA
on September 14-17, with a surprise that no-one will
see coming!
==> http://worldinternetsummit.com/usa/tom.html

>>> >>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
Did you know that you can earn 100s, even 1,000s of
dollars with your hobby? A new system reveals "How
you can earn up to $5000 EXTRA income per month, doing
what you love, guides you step-by-step... HOW to turn
your favorite hobby into a profitable business …

>> >>> F.ree Seminar From Tom Hua & Brett McFall <<< <<
Brett McFall and I are going to give you f.ree access
to our brand new 2 day seminar with a unique concept.
==> http://dreamlife.worldinternetsummit.com

The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2006, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/